This site is for me to learn web development, and whatever else that requires a proper server. In -188 days, the subscription given to me by my school runs out, and this site will probably dissappear. But until then!
Except the site lives on! Café Hoshizora is a project I've wanted to work on since years past, so might just as well reside here!
I exist to make the page scrollable (Wooo snazzy UI)
I am a web development student at Yrgo in Sweden.
As my pile of completed assignments and other side quests grows, I'll add the major ones here!
Assignment to create randomized data and sort it based on several rules (PHP)
Assignment to create an application using data fetched from public APIs (JS)
Assingment to create a design demo for a cinema site (Design)
Assignment to create a hotel website, including booking, room availability and payment confirmation (PHP, JS, DB)
Assignment to create a React application using data fetched from public APIs (React)
Message parser for emotes and commands (React)
Assignment to create an application which let's you search and list data about amiibos (TS)
3D renderer using canvas (in progress) (JS)
Wii/3DS themed chat using WebSocket, Web Audio API and Web Animations API (in progress) (NodeJS, JS)
Experiments with Web Audio API (nodes, sfx, looping) (JS)
Game themed live streaming service (in progress) (stream server and chat server runs on a RPi2 which is not permanently online, also does not entirely support https because of certing IPs being tricky) (NGINX, NodeJS, Laravel, Vue, JS)
In the meantime, enjoy some Sketchbook ~full color's~ BGM by Ken Muramatsu :)